Saturday, September 7, 2019

How A Student Can Get an A or an F in Freshman English Essay Example for Free

How A Student Can Get an A or an F in Freshman English Essay Most students know the answer to the question as to how one gets an A or an F in Freshman English class. The reasons are basically the same with how one gets either grade in their other academic subjects. Also, after going through different English classes from grade school to high school, the student should have more or less gathered ideas on how to ace or fail the subject, the criteria almost similar for each grade level of English classes the differences mainly on the difficulty level of the lessons and the complexity of the skills and performance required from the students. This essay will point out several of these factors by which the freshman student can get an A or an F in his first English class in college. These reasons are interrelated but not interdependent with each other. Meaning, the presence of all these factors in one student makes it most probable for him to get an A but the lack of one or some of them do not mean that the student would fail to get an A. An important fact to point out is that A and F occupy the extreme ends of a grading scheme, with A being the best grade and F being the worst that a student can get. It follows therefore that the reasons why a student gets an A in Freshman English are the opposites of the reasons as to why another student gets an F. Like most English subjects, Freshman English entails a lot of reading. This is to develop further the reading and comprehension skills that students have been training for since they started learning the alphabets in kindergarten. Reading is a continuous exercise that is sharpened with practice or gets rusty with the lack of it. Teachers realize this. Some reading assignments in Freshmen English include literary texts, books and articles. Students that read assigned texts diligently and religiously according to when they are supposed to be read—or even do advance and extra reading—get A during evaluation quizzes. Those who are lazy or those who rely on reading summaries when the teacher required the reading of the whole text, more than often get the F. Aside from reading, the subject requires a lot of writing on the part of the student. Freshmen English teachers like to assign paperwork for various reasons. To test whether the student read the required story, novel or essay, the teacher would assign a book report, a reaction or analysis paper of the text. Another reason is to exercise the critical thinking skills of the student. The teacher would assign papers on a variety of topics, both about the subject matter discussed in class and other topics he deems relevant for the student to know and think about. To enhance the creativity of the student, the teacher could require him to write a poem, personal essay or story. Students who comply with these writing assignments and who exert the effort to conduct research when necessary can get an A. The students that simply submit something just for the sake of complying with the requirement, or who do not submit papers at all, get F. Paying attention to the teacher’s lectures and listening to what are being discussed during class hours is another area that differentiates the A from the F student. The textbook does not contain everything that needed to be learned. The role of the teacher is also to supplement the knowledge that can be acquired through the textbook. Usually, the items that appear in quizzes and test are those which the teacher emphasizes during lectures. Also, listening to class lectures is actually a substitute for studying independently. Any student would realize that if he listens carefully during class discussion, he would not need to study as hard anymore since when all the senses are involved in the learning process, like what happens during a class discussion, more learning occurs. The student who gets A know this fact. The F student crams during exams because he prefers to daydream during class hours or be absent altogether. Genetics also play a role in differentiating the A student from the F student. It is unfair but it is a recognized fact that a high IQ can also be inherited. Smart parents usually bear smart kids. The intelligence can even be subject-specific. A father who loves Math could have a son who loves numbers as much as him. A student who loves English may have a Dad who also loves the subject and this passion is simply being passed on to the child—an A student in English. If the student is predisposed because of his genes to be naturally good in communication activities and this talent is accompanied with diligence, he will get an A in freshman English. Getting an A or an F in Freshman English is not always because of factors that pertain to the student. The environment in which the student lives in can also play a part in determining whether he would get the best or worst grade in the subject. Teachers who inspire their students to do their best usually do make them perform their best. A boring English teacher encourages absenteeism and slack among students. Nobody wants to sleep in the classroom but the droning voices of some English teachers just induce sleepiness. Meanwhile, some students might begin the semester hating English, but this could change given the right motivations from the teacher such as interesting discussions, topics that cater to the interest of the student’s age group, and interactive activities that stimulate their creativity and multiple intelligences. A fact is that if many students in a class get an A after the semester, for certain the character of the teacher and his teaching methodologies had something to do with it. Home culture is also a reason why some students can get an A while others get F in Freshman English. A home which is rich in literary texts and reading materials are beneficial to the English student. A young person who grows up with a family who encourages the development of good reading habits among its members would have fewer problems getting an A in English class because he would already have developed one of the major skills required in the subject. More so, if the individual also writes for a hobby. The home training would also be complete if the parents are supportive of their children’s studies especially their interest in the subject. Students who get F usually lack follow-up and attention at home. Nobody tells them to study or encourages them to read. Finally, friends can also have something to do with the grade one gets in a subject. They are actually very influential with regards to whether the student would still have time to study, be interested with matters that pertain to school, and aim for good grades. If aside from the usual teenage activities one’s friends also encourage reading amongst themselves, conducting group studies, helping out in doing class assignments and projects, and getting the best possible grades, the student would have better chances of getting an A in his English class. The factors enumerated above are basic yet important reasons as to how a student can get an A or an F in Freshman English class. Knowing them, applying them in one’s life as a freshman student, or adjusting some things that do not apply to the individual, could be helpful in his getting a better grade when the report card comes out at the end of the semester.

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